How to Lose Resilient Fat in Order to Lose Weight
Janette deVries RHN, B.ed, H. BA
Lose weight Quick!
Lose 10 pouds in 1 week!
Drop the weight fast!
I'm sure you have come across many of these advertisements. You really don't want to lose weight, you want that fat to disappear. You want to feel confident in your clothes instead of dreading what loose shirt you can wear tomorrow to cover up the rolls. I use to dread going to church on Christmas Eve because I knew those dress pants weren't going to fit. I remember one time wearing a belt to keep my pants up, as the button and zipper were miles apart. Then a suit jacket over that with lots of jewelry to lure attention away from someone discovering my secret!
You many have heard that a pound of body fat stores 3,500 calories, and you must reduce your calorie intake by 500 daily. Some people will ramp that up and lower calorie intake by 1,000 daily. That is half of your daily food intake. People have claimed that they lost 10 pounds a week, but this isn't a reduction of body fat. Quick changes in weight are primarily a loss in water, and muscle is secondary. I know, you are thinking that you will just drink more water and protein to build muscle.
When you drink water, the scale will go up. Then you are mad, frustrated, stressed and give up! Some time passes and you see the next ad for weight loss hits your social media platform you are scrolling on. Maybe you try a different approach that lasts until you don't see the scale numbers moving down.
Insulin resistant might be another phrase you've heard. This is part of the fat storing process. When I say fat, this is excess calories not used for energy in the form of protein, carbs and fats. Once fats are in the blood, chylomicrons break them down in the bloodstream. Then enzymes in the walls of the veins (lipases) will break them down into fatty acids, but this enzyme depends on the insulin hormone.
High insulin will breakdown fats quickly, and low insulin will make the lipases be inactive. The fatty acids can then be absorbed by fat cells, muscle cells and liver cells. From there, they are made into fat molecules to be stored. Fat cells can also absorb other molecules from food like glucose and amino acids, which are converted into fat for storage.
In order to release energy, fat from food must be absorbed into the body for this process. Then it has to move through the intestines and lymphatic system before reaching the blood. Fat loss is harder for people that have:
Intestinal problems
Low insulin
Low enzymes
Lymphatic issues
Sluggish liver
Most articles skip this information I just explained, and go straight to glucose from carbohydrates being our main energy source. Either you excersie to use this energy or cut the carbs to lose fat. But the body uses fatty acids when glucose isn't readily available. Glucose is burned within the cell to release the sun's energy. The excess is called glycogen, which is stored in muscles and the liver when a cell used all it needs to survive. A person's brain can consume up to 40% of your carbohydrates you consumed.
Are you hungry after an exam?
Are you hungry after a long day at your desk?
Are you hungry after a long meeting?
These are things that you might feel, especially when you follow a low carb meal plan. I have great news for you if you:
Love to eat
Love to cook or want to learn
Willing to walk for exercise
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Can follow a self guided program with daily check-in and tasks to keep you on track?
If this is you, then I invite you to join my Holistic Weight Management program for 8 weeks.
Besides creating a sustainable lifestyle that balances glucose, cholesterol, hormones and lose fat... this program is jam packed with learning materials to better your health, habits and mindset!
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Abrahams, Peter Dr., How the Body Works: A Comprehensive Illustrated Encyclopedia of Anatomy. Amber Books. Bright Star Publishing plc. London, England: 2013.
Holford, Patrick. New Optimum Nutrition For the Mind. Basic Health Publications Inc. Laguna Beach, CA: 2009.