Understanding the Four Pillars of Health: Diet-Drainage-Mental-Heredity
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Understanding the Four Pillars of Health: Diet-Drainage-Mental-Heredity


Four Pillars of Health

  1. Diet

  2. Drainage

  3. Mental

  4. Heredity

According to the teachings of Dr. Gerard Gueniot, food and digestion are both apart of the diet. Food must be natural meaning no additives or genetically modified. Digestion is unique to the individual through the three phases of oral, gastric and intestinal. To have effective digestion, nutrition and assimilation of nutrients are the two factors. It is important to improve self-knowledge and take charge of your own health with specific foods for yourself and personal nutritional requirements. For example, Jentschura-Lohkamper explains that men lose their hair because nutrients are used to neutralize toxins and acids instead of nourishing the scalp for hair growth. With poor nutritional, imbalanced diets and lifestyle, the neutralizing ability of acidic toxins or other toxic substances becomes low. It is interesting to note that Jentschura-Lohkamper associates cellulite with the accumulation of toxic substances from a weakness in the liver, kidneys or large intestine.

Drainage is important as it eliminates toxins from the cells. When drainage is obstructed, disease is a result of the body’s effort to eliminate toxins. The blood and lymph transport waste/toxins from cells and tissues to organs that excrete for elimination. If the cells and/or tissue doesn’t release toxins/waste, then try walking outdoors and drinking 1 ½ litres of pure water. Toxins stored in tissues are the cause of most diseases, as they are stored in connective tissue, muscles, fat, tendons, vascular endothelium, liver, brain and kidneys. When cell drainage is poor or compromised, then a biotheraputic drainage will help these cells and tissues remove toxins in a natural way. Whereas detoxification is more aggressive by actively moving tissue waste.

The six homeostatic systems that need to be balanced are:

  1. Electrolytic system - manages minerals in the body. An imbalance would be osteoporosis, dehydration (during hot weather or acute disease) or calcification.

  2. Metabolic system - anabolic and catabolic chain balance. An imbalance would be protein synthesis decrease.

  3. Immune system - protection. An imbalance would be less fever and more lingering infection because defenses are becoming weak.

  4. Hormonal - controls cell behaviour. An imbalance would decrease sex hormones, then pituitary, thyroid and lastly adrenal.

  5. Circulatory system - communication. An imbalance would change blood circulation with arterial pressure increase to vascular resiliency or even venous overload.

  6. Nervous system - balances impulses, intellect and emotions. An imbalance would be neurodegenerative sclerosis leading to Parkinson's disease or senile dementia.

When these systems are balanced, the body can self heal. Otherwise residual waste, dense matter and system disruptions can occur and lead to pathology.

German physician, Dr. Hans became a homeopath in the 1930s created a system called homotoxins that could possibly explain all diseases through toxic impairment. There are 6 levels of severity that can “dirty” the human organism during the removal, as toxins can be poorly drained.

  1. Elimination – naturally through bile, feces, sweat, urine, mucous secretion and breath

  2. Inflammation – reaction to remove toxins (eczema, boils, tonsillitis etc.)

  3. Toxin deposit – deposits within organism, but not within the cell (warts, cysts, varicose veins etc.)

  4. Impregnation – deposit within the cell (chronic asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease etc.)

  5. Slow - cell invasion hinders self-repair process (autoimmune disease, cirrhosis, severe organ failure etc.)

  6. Rapid - all cancer, AIDS

A diet that isn't natural, live and organic can be one of the causes that drainage is slow or your elimination process has been compromised, therefore creating disease at different levels (2-6).

Mental includes reason and intellect, impulses and tendencies, sensitivity and feeling. It is basically self management from the brain, which need these functions to remain in balance. Planes to consider for balance:

  1. Don’t battle your faults but develop good qualities. Choose what you read, music you listen to, your hobbies etc.

  2. Understand when you are impulsive, reflective or sensitive.

  3. Realize what behavioral patterns are not really you, but are used to react in your own environment.

The state of the Nervous system is important to the mental pillar of health.

Heredity is your way of life with good behaviour and mistakes, your energetic soul, energetic blueprint from inherited from parents and your history since conception.

When cell and/or tissue drainage is slow or has dysfunctions, there are a few ways to assist better drainage through medicinal plants, homeopathic complexes (Unda numbers), phytembryotherapy, homeopathic units, hydrotherapy and acupuncture. For example, drainage of the stomach:

Phytembryotherapy: fig bud, Digest-gen

Medicinal plants: star anise liquorice, cumin, fennel, ginger, coriander, camomile

Acupunture: V21, VC12, E36, E44

Homeopathic complexes: Unda #4 & #39

Hydrotherapy: bath with essential oils like Geranium

Specific organs or body systems can be focused on as the individual has specific needs. Keep your body in-balance with good diet, digestion and drainage.


According to the teachings of Doctor Gerard Gueniot and cooperation of Doctor Pierre Tondelier. From Natural Medecine: To A Medecine Of The Individual. 2011. Spain, Editions Amyris.

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