Juicing Therapy For Your Body
Live juices from fruits, vegetables and herbs are a great dietary aid for helping the body to heal. Wheatgrass, chlorella, barley and...
Urinary Tract Infection: Alternative Regimen to Antibiotics
Did you know that 50-60% of women are prone to getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) in their lifetime? The ratio of women to men that...
Top 3 Recommendations for Establishing a Strong Nutritional Foundation
Biochemist Dr. Roger Williams states that a multivitamin and mineral supplement is an "insurance formula" for plausible deficiencies. He...
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: How To Get That Happy-Go-Lucky Colon Back
With IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), the complete hollow gastrointestinal (GI) tract is involved in this motility disorder, which is the...
SYMPTOMS: Why You Need To Listen Your Body
Your body is self-healing with the proper nutrients. By making constant adjustments, your body stays in balance (homeostasis). Like the...
VACCINATIONS: How Informed Are You?
The purpose of vaccinations are to eliminate children suffering of infectious diseases of previous eras. It is rare to hear of a child...
Simple vs. Restaurant Salad: What does Healthy Really Mean?
Why do we try so hard to over complicate food? Simple tastes just as good as complicated and high technical dishes. Restaurants have...
Eczema: Calming the Intensive Itching Skin Disease
Eczema can be caused by an array of things like allergies, medication or irritating chemicals. It is often associated with asthma. It...
How To Beat The Common Cold and Flu
The cause of the common cold can be from any 200 viruses, but typically the rhinovirus. The cold virus makes its presence by a stuffy or...
DIGESTIVE ENZYMES: Avoid Leaky Gut, Food Sensitivities, Dysbiosis and a Compromised Immune System
The digestion is the process responsible for breaking down and converting food into substance, so it can be absorbed across the tissue of...